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Construction Updates 1-28-2022

MSUFCU East Lansing Building Located at 311 Abbot

Installation of the exterior concrete, foundations, and walls are as complete as can be to allow a pathway for the erection of the crane. Underground mechanical and electric have been demobilized for the time being. Structural steel and precast panels are currently scheduled to be installed the first week of February. The crane for the steel and precast erection are expected to be delivered onsite and set up this week. The project site has been brought up to rough grade and the temporary crane mats are onsite. At this time, there is potential for the boom of the crane to cross over the alley.

The lane closure on Abbot Rd. has been reinstated and will remain in effect for the foreseeable future. The westbound lane closure on Albert St. has been installed and will remain in effect for the foreseeable future.

This Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and most of Monday, there will be a temporary gravel ramp bridging the laydown site and job site for the cranes’ use. This is expected to close the south access to the alley off Albert Ave. for the duration of the weekend.

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