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Construction Update 05-31-19

Park District

This week, concrete work was the main thrust of the mixed-use building. Pours occurred on the second floor deck, with preparations underway for higher floors.

On the hotel side, auger cast piles are being finalized should be complete this week. A Board of Water and Light project also occurred on site. The underground contractor will demobilize as work shifts to grade beams and footings.

Center City

On the Grand River building, underground utility work is well underway this week on the east side of the alley. This work has required the closure of the east end of the alley (from Lou & Harry’s to M.A.C. Avenue) and a partial closure of vehicular traffic on MAC. The work involves the replacement of new water and gas mains, and is expected to continue next week as well. When more details are available, City Staff will work along with Consumer’s Energy and our DPW Water Service team to coordinate service connections to adjacent businesses. Planter boxes with seating are being fabricated and will be installed along Grand River in the near future. Drywall, paint, and cabinets are nearly complete up to the 12th and final floor. Elevators are ready for use and will be inspected soon. On Saturday (6/1), the removal of the tower crane will take place.

On the Albert side, work is underway to pour the sidewalks adjacent to the building working from west to east. Planning is underway for road grading and the paving of Albert Avenue, which should occur in the near future. Inside the garage, the traffic coating work is complete, and striping will occur in the near future as well. Upstairs, the apartments are approaching completion with the main thrust of the work is focused on finishing the final utility rough-ins and drywall, and on finishes such as flooring, cabinets, paint, and fixtures. Windows and facades for the retail exteriors continue to be installed as well.

City staff is monitoring area roadways to ensure proper cleanup occurs, especially as weather changes can cause muddy conditions that need to be managed properly. The construction company also continues to examine the site to mitigate any impacts to the local community.

The Hub @ East Lansing

Finishing drywall at level 9 is nearly complete. Level 10 and level 2 insulation and drywall continue with finishers to follow behind starting Monday. Finishes continue at levels 3-8 and will be moving up as the drywall is completed on upper floors. MEP rough in at the second half of level 10 is nearly complete. Metal panels and masonry on the tower are ongoing. Roof is complete at the high main roof, with the lower roofs continuing as weather permits. Level 1 storefront is nearly complete meaning the tenant spaces will be dried in. The sidewalk along Grand River has been closed and will remain closed until all work on that side of the building is complete. Site work has now begun in earnest, with the Cedar street curb and gutter in place as well as the planters and sidewalk going in. Deliveries will continue to increase, as Electrical, Mechanical, and Fire Suppression trades continue roughing in and the finish trades begin the fit out at first floor, mezzanine, and working their way up the building.

The contractor continues to monitor the site for safety and implement additional traffic control techniques as necessary based on delivery volumes.

Thank you for your patience during the construction downtown. Please remember to sign up for downtown East Lansing construction alerts by texting ELBUZZ to 38470. You can also visit to find the latest information about the construction in downtown East Lansing. As always, you can reach the City Construction Communication Team at or (517) 319-6930 with any questions.

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