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Downtown Construction Update 11/30/18

Park District

This week, the Developers of Park District received state-level approvals, and will now move ahead. This project includes three buildings: a 12 story mixed-market apartment building at 100 W. Grand River (Abbot & Grand River) with ground floor retail, a 10 story, 194-key hotel at 140 W. Grand River (Grand River & Evergreen) and a 4 story low to moderate income qualified apartment building at 341 Evergreen Ave. The project will also include major public infrastructure and streetscape improvements, including the re-alignment of Albert Avenue across Abbot Road west to Evergreen Ave. The Developer is targeting the week of December 9th for site mobilization.

Center City

On the Grand River building, this week the wall panels are being set for level 11. Level 12 floor, walls, and top out are targeted to occur by the end of the year. Metal panels continue to make their way onto the southern elevation, as windows continue to be installed around the building. The trades continue to work their way up the interior of the building as well.

On the Albert building, the final pour of level 6 east occurred last week. Decking has arrived on site and panels will start to be installed for the apartments above in the very near future. On the west side, a 5th floor is occurring today, with several more pours scheduled in the coming weeks, weather permitting.

The Hub @ East Lansing

Level 5 floor will be completely poured out by the end of the day today (Friday 11-30). The level 5 walls are 25% complete with the trusses for the ceiling and the decking for level 6 falling close behind. Interior and exterior walls at the podium levels continue (both stud and masonry walls). Windows have started to be set on 3rd floor. Concrete placement will continue on a regular basis, utilizing closed roads or the alley directly adjacent to the project to minimize impacts to traffic/pedestrians. Deliveries will continue to increase, as Electrical, Mechanical, and Fire Suppression trades continue roughing in the garage, first floor, and mezzanine, and working their way up the building.

The contractor continues to monitor the site for safety and implement additional traffic control techniques as necessary based on delivery volumes. The southern alley is closed and parking has been relocated to East Café across the street.

Thank you for your patience during the construction downtown. Please remember to sign up for downtown East Lansing construction alerts by texting ELBUZZ to 38470. You can also visit to find the latest information about the construction in downtown East Lansing. As always, you can reach the City Construction Communication Team at or (517) 319-6930 with any questions.

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